Study programme 2020-2021Français
Faculty of Psychology and Education
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Orthopedagogy (Mons)

  • Panel Chairperson : Marie-Claire HAELEWYCK
  • Panel Secretary : Thierry BORDIGNON
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Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
General Courses (Core Curriculum)13
UP-U1-ORTHOC-006-M Approches du développement atypique101000020Q133
P-SEOC-201 Prevention and Diagnosis of Atypical Development
UP-U1-ORTHOC-002-M Working Towards an Inclusive Society600006Q222
P-CERT-301 Working Towards an Inclusive Society
UP-U1-ORTHOC-003-M Principles of Neuroeducation300003Q211
P-CERT-302 Principles of Neuroeducation
UP-U1-ORTHOC-004-M Observation Methods in Ecological Contexts300003Q111
P-CERT-303 Observation Methods in Ecological Contexts
UP-U1-ORTHOC-007-M Evidence-based et practice-based : Interventions en Orthopédagogie Clinique600006Q222
P-CERT-320 Evidence-based et practice-based : Interventions en Orthopédagogie Clinique
UP-U1-ORTHOC-005-M Experiential Learning02400024Y44
P-CERT-304 Posters
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Cours spécifiques
Module 132
UP-U2-ORTHOC-106-M Diagnostic et intervention auprès des personnes en situation de handicap15000015Q133
P-SEOC-200 Disability Diagnosis and Intervention
UP-U2-ORTHOC-107-M Double diagnostic : prévention et intervention150150030Q133
P-SEOC-203 Dual Diagnosis: Prevention and Intervention
UP-U2-ORTHOC-108-M Techniques d'entretien en Orthopédagogie Clinique600006Q222
P-CERT-321 Techniques d'entretien en Orthopédagogie Clinique
UP-U2-ORTHOC-109-M Orthopédagogie Clinique en milieu scolaire10000010Q133
P-SEOC-206 Teaching Support
UP-U2-ORTHOC-110-M Qualité des services301500045Q166
P-SEOC-207 Personalised Intervention Plans
P-SEOC-208 Multidisciplinary Team Management
UP-U2-ORTHOC-111-M Expérientiel (évaluation sommative)6640000412Y1515
P-CERT-322 Stage et portfolio
P-CERT-323 Supervisions en Orthopédagogie Clinique
P-CERT-324 Séminaire présentiel
Module 2 - Scolaire16
UP-U2-ORTHOC-101-M Methodology Centred on Learning Disabilities and Sensory Impairments100200030Q122
P-SEOC-191 Methodology Centred on Learning Disabilities and Sensory Impairments
UP-U2-ORTHOC-102-M Methodology Centred on Intellectual Disabilities, Autism and Behavioural Disorders100200030Q222
P-SEOC-193 Methodology Centred on Intellectual Disabilities, Autism and Behavioural Disorders
UP-U2-ORTHOC-103-M Inclusive Education Practices100200030Y22
P-CERT-305 Inclusive Education Practices
UP-U2-ORTHOC-104-M Post-school Preparation01200012Y22
P-CERT-306 Team Management and Network Mobilisation
P-CERT-307 Fields of Activity
UP-U2-ORTHOC-105-M Experiential Learning0510000105Y88
P-CERT-308 Placement and Portfolio
P-CERT-309 Classroom-based Seminar
Module 3 - Adultes16
UP-U2-ORTHOC-201-M Psychoeducation in Relational and Emotional Life60200026Y22
P-CERT-310 Psychoeducation in Relational and Emotional Life
UP-U2-ORTHOC-202-M Examination and Customised Support Practices12000012Y22
P-CERT-311 Examination and Customised Support Practices
P-CERT-312 Well-being and Welfare
UP-U2-ORTHOC-203-M Lifelong Social Participation12000012Y22
P-CERT-313 Social Representation and Living Conditions of Vulnerable People
P-CERT-314 Self-determination and Empowerment
UP-U2-ORTHOC-204-M Inclusion and Environment12000012Y22
P-CERT-315 New Coaching Profiles
P-CERT-316 Team Management and Inclusive Budgets
UP-U2-ORTHOC-205-M Experiential Learning0510000105Y88
P-CERT-317 Placement and Portfolio
P-CERT-318 Classroom-based Seminar
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 17/09/2021
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111