Study programme 2020-2021Français
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bachelor's in Pharmacy (Mons)
  • Panel Chairperson : Bertrand BLANKERT
  • Panel Secretary : Pierre DUEZ
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements obligatoires
UM-B1-PHARMA-016-M Biologie générale humaine608002088Q188
UM-B1-PHARMA-011-M General Chemistry4034002094Q155
UM-B1-PHARMA-012-M Organic Chemistry I2016001046Q133
UM-B1-PHARMA-003-M Mathematical Introduction to Life Sciences2024003074Q133
UM-B1-PHARMA-015-M Introduction aux statistiques biomédicales15000015Q122
UM-B1-PHARMA-004-M Biomedical physics1001000030230Q1,Q21414
UM-B1-PHARMA-013-M General Chemistry II302700057Q255
UM-B1-PHARMA-014-M Organic Chemistry II15800023Q233
UM-B1-PHARMA-005-M Mathematics in Life Sciences2030003080Q233
UM-B1-PHARMA-017-M General Biochemistry301000343Q244
UM-B1-PHARMA-007-M Elements of Botany301500045Q244
UM-B1-PHARMA-009-M Introduction to Drug Treatments10000010Q222
UM-B1-PHARMA-010-M Introduction to Human Anatomy15000015Q222
UM-B1-PHARMA-018-M Initiation à la recherche en sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques03200032Q222
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements obligatoires
UM-B2-PHARMA-001-M Metabolic Biochemistry Prérequis302000050Q155
UM-B2-PHARMA-003-M Organic Chemistry I30000030Q133
UM-B2-PHARMA-019-M Chimie analytique quantitative Prérequis356000095Q188
UM-B2-PHARMA-006-M Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Prérequis203000050Q144
UM-B2-PHARMA-007-M Elements of Physiology I Prérequis Corequis301200042Q144
UM-B2-PHARMA-009-M Elements of Splanchnology Prérequis30500035Q133
UM-B2-PHARMA-014-M Bibliography and IT Tools101000020Q122
UM-B2-PHARMA-018-M Notions de statistique médicale151500030Q133
UM-B2-PHARMA-015-M English for Pharmaceutical Sciences48000048Q1,Q244
UM-B2-PHARMA-002-M Molecular Biology Prérequis Corequis304600076Q266
UM-B2-PHARMA-004-M Organic Chemistry II303000060Q255
UM-B2-PHARMA-008-M Elements of Physiology II Corequis30800038Q244
UM-B2-PHARMA-010-M Pharmacognosy I - Introduction to Pharmacognosy Prérequis Corequis151500030Q244
UM-B2-PHARMA-011-M Plant Systematics Prérequis Corequis151500030Q233
UM-B2-PHARMA-012-M Introduction to Psychology15000015Q222
Bloc 3Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements obligatoires
UM-B3-PHARMA-001-M Quantitative and Qualitative Analytical Chemistry Prérequis Corequis4590000135Q199
UM-B3-PHARMA-002-M Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Organic Drug Studies - Part 1 Prérequis Corequis4775000122Q188
UM-B3-PHARMA-006-M General Pharmacology Prérequis Corequis201000030Q133
UM-B3-PHARMA-007-M Introduction to Cell Pharmacology Corequis20000020Q122
UM-B3-PHARMA-009-M Immunology Prérequis Corequis15000015Q122
UM-B3-PHARMA-015-M English for Pharmaceutical Sciences12000012Q122
UM-B3-PHARMA-017-M General Toxicology30000030Q133
UM-B3-PHARMA-003-M Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis Prérequis Corequis257000095Q255
UM-B3-PHARMA-004-M Inorganic Drugs Prérequis Corequis205000070Q255
UM-B3-PHARMA-005-M Pharmacognosy II: Phytochemistry and Plant-based Medicine Prérequis Corequis485000098Q288
UM-B3-PHARMA-010-M General and medical microbiology Prérequis Corequis301000040Q266
UM-B3-PHARMA-012-M Introduction to Pharmacy Training Corequis010800090Q244
UM-B3-PHARMA-013-M Pharmaceutical Analysis (CLIL course) Prérequis20000020Q233
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 17/09/2021
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111