Study programme 2024-2025Français
General Biology
Programme component of Bachelor's in Chemistry (MONS) (day schedule) à la Faculty of Science

CodeTypeHead of UE Department’s
contact details
US-B1-SCCHIM-002-MCompulsory UEGILLAN DavidS828 - Protéomie et Microbiologie
  • GILLAN David

of instruction
of assessment
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) CreditsWeighting Term
  • Français
Français360160077.001st term

AA CodeTeaching Activity (AA) HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) Term Weighting
S-BIOG-400General Biology (part I)3601600Q1100.00%

Programme component

Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamentals
    • Understand the key areas of chemistry: inorganic, organic, physical, biological and analytical chemistry, as well as basic knowledge required in mathematics, biology and physics
    • Have developed the learning skills needed to undertake further studies with a sufficient degree of autonomy
  • Provide clear and accurate information
    • Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a qualified scientific partner
  • Collaborate and work in a team
    • Have developed practical skills in chemistry through practical sessions in the laboratory, including analytical, organic and physical chemistry, during which they have worked individually or in groups.
  • Have a rigorous scientific approach
    • Have integrated theoretical and/or practical skills during an introductory training session on scientific research

Learning Outcomes of UE

After this teaching, the students will control the essential concepts of biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics and evolution in order to approach without difficulties the specialized courses of the following years. The basic techniques of molecular biology will be also taught.

UE Content: description and pedagogical relevance

Introduction to biochemistry; DNA replication; synthesis of polypeptides; viruses; procaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, mitosis, meiosis; Evolution; Mendel and genes; chromosomes and heredity; the concept of species.

Prior Experience


Type of Teaching Activity/Activities

AAType of Teaching Activity/Activities
  • Cours magistraux
  • Préparations, travaux, recherches d'information

Mode of delivery

AAMode of delivery
  • Face-to-face

Required Reading

AARequired Reading
S-BIOG-400Note de cours - Partie 1 - Fascicule 1 - David Gillan
,Note de cours - Partie 2 - Fascicule 2 - David Gillan
,Travaux Pratiques - Fascicule de Travaux Pratiques - David Gillan
,Note de cours - Partie 3 - Fascicule 3 - David Gillan

Required Learning Resources/Tools

AARequired Learning Resources/Tools
S-BIOG-400Syllabus (several fascicles)

Recommended Learning Resources/Tools

AARecommended Learning Resources/Tools

Other Recommended Reading

AAOther Recommended Reading
S-BIOG-400Not applicable

Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next

AAGrade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next

Term 1 Assessment - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q1 assessment
  • Written examination - Face-to-face

Term 1 Assessment - comments

AATerm 1 Assessment - comments
S-BIOG-400Biochemistry (20%)
Genetics (20%)
Cytology and Evolution (40%)
Practical test (20%)

Resit Assessment - Term 1 (B1BA1) - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q1 resit assessment (BAB1)
  • Written examination - Face-to-face

Term 3 Assessment - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q3 assessment
  • Written examination - Face-to-face

Term 3 Assessment - comments

AATerm 3 Assessment - comments
S-BIOG-400Biochemistry (20%)
Genetics (20%)
Cytology and Evolution (40%)
Practical test (20%)
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Date de dernière mise à jour de la fiche ECTS par l'enseignant : 14/05/2024
Date de dernière génération automatique de la page : 14/03/2025
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111