Study programme 2020-2021Français
Warocqué School of Business and Economics
Master's in Business Engineering : Specialist Focus (Mons)
  • Panel Chairperson : Angy GEERTS
  • Panel Secretary : Mélanie VOLRAL
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Tronc commun
Courses required
Choisir entre Job Hunting (Q1 ou Q2) ou Business Across Cultures (Q1 ou Q2)3
Job Hunting (Q1 ou Q2)3
UW-M1-IGGEST-008-M Job Hunting (Q1)21000021Q133
UW-M1-IGGEST-025-M Job Hunting (Q2)15600021Q233
Business Across Cultures (Q1 ou Q2)3
UW-M1-IGGEST-006-M Business Across Cultures (Q1)21000021Q133
UW-M1-IGGEST-030-M Business Across Cultures (Q2)15600021Q233
UW-M1-IGGEST-003-M Financial Statements Analysis and Introduction to International Standards151500030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-004-M Statistics and Econometrics for Business301500045Q255
UW-M1-IGGEST-005-M Taxation - VAT & Corporation Tax 130000030Q233
UW-M1-IGGEST-007-M Master Thesis Project6600012Y11
UE au choix parmi les UE suivantes (4 crédits) - cours dispensé en français ou en anglais4
UW-M1-IGGEST-001-M Financial Management201000030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-026-M Corporate Finance201000030Q144
UE au choix parmi les UE suivantes (4 crédits) - cours dispensé en français ou en anglais4
UW-M1-IGGEST-002-M Advance Marketing102000030Q244
UW-M1-IGGEST-027-M Advanced Marketing102000030Q244
Langue au choix (Espagnol ou Néerlandais)2
UE d'Espagnol - Choix parmi les 2 UE :2
UW-M1-IGGEST-009-M Español de los negocios 1201000030Q122
UW-M1-IGGEST-010-M Comunicación comercial 1201000030Q222
UE de néerlandais - choix entre Q1 ou Q22
UW-M1-IGGEST-021-M Zakelijk Nederlands 1 (Q1)201000030Q122
UW-M1-IGGEST-031-M Zakelijk Nederlands 1 (Q2)201000030Q222
Une Unité d'enseignement à choisir entre les suivantes4
UW-M1-IGGEST-028-M Welvaartseconomie en duurzame ontwikkeling30000030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-022-M International and European Economics30000030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-023-M Industrial Economics30000030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-029-M General Risk Management30000030Q144
UW-M1-IGGEST-017-M Market and Consumption Analysis Corequis502500075Q11010
UW-M1-IGGEST-018-M Audit 1 - Reporting and Control Corequis255000075Q11010
UW-M1-IGGEST-019-M Finance Corequis651000075Q11010
UW-M1-IGGEST-020-M Banking and Insurance552000075Q21010
UE obligatoires spécifiques au Master ingénieur de gestion, à finalité spécialisée10
UE au choix parmi les UE suivantes ( 3 crédits) - cours dispensé en français ou en anglais3
UW-M1-IGGESS-035-M Logistics30000030Q233
UW-M1-IGGESS-040-M Logistics30000030Q233
UW-M1-IGGESS-036-M Environmental Economics30000030Q233
UW-M1-IGGESS-037-M Développement durable et production30000030Q144
Specialised elective modules 10
Mod opt spec Environmental Management10
UW-M1-IGGESS-021-M Environmental Policies and Legislation151500030Q144
UW-M1-IGGESS-022-M Environmental Management Corequis45000045Q266
Mod opt spec Decision-making10
UW-M1-IGGESS-023-M Decision-making354000075Q21010
Mod opt spec Computerised Management10
UW-M1-IGGESS-024-M Computerised Management601500075Q21010
Mod opt spec Audit 210
UW-M1-IGGESS-025-M Accounting Law and International Standards252500050Q177
UW-M1-IGGESS-026-M Social Security and Labour Law25000025Q133
Mod opt spec Audit 310
UW-M1-IGGESS-027-M Account Consolidation and Information Systems Auditing301000040Q255
UW-M1-IGGESS-028-M Legal assignments and Auditor Independence40000040Q255
Mod opt spec Finance and Taxation10
UW-M1-IGGESS-029-M Finance and Taxation Corequis352000055Q277
UE au choix - 3 crédits3
UW-M1-IGGESS-034-M Cases in Finance & Taxes02000020Q233
UW-M1-IGGESS-038-M Regulatory Framework in the financial Sector24000024Q233
Mod opt spec Marketing and Communication10
UW-M1-IGGESS-030-M Marketing and Communication Corequis175800075Q21010
Mod opt spec Entrepreneurship Project10
UW-M1-IGGESS-031-M Entrepreneurship Project304500075Q1,Q21010
Mod opt spec Human Resource10
UW-M1-IGGESS-032-M Social Security and Labour Law25000025Q133
UW-M1-IGGESS-033-M Human Resource Diagnostics and Economy302000050Q277
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Tronc commun
Courses required
UW-M2-IGGEST-014-M Master Thesis000000Y2020
UW-M2-IGGEST-005-M Strategic Management201000030Q155
UW-M2-IGGEST-004-M Work Placement000000Q21010
UW-M2-IGGEST-001-M Academic Presentation61500021Y22
Langue au choix (Espagnol ou Néerlandais)3
UW-M2-IGGEST-007-M Zakelijke Nederlands 2201000030Q133
UE d'Espagnol - choix parmi les 2 UE :3
UW-M2-IGGEST-002-M Español de los negocios 2201000030Q133
UW-M2-IGGEST-003-M Comunicación comercial 2201000030Q133
UW-M2-IGGEST-008-M Company Law and Governance65000065Q11010
Specialised elective modules 10
Mod opt spec Advanced Marketing10
UW-M2-IGGESS-009-M Advanced Marketing205500075Q11010
Mod opt spec Audit 4 : Internal and External Auditing, Practical Skills and International Standards
UW-M2-IGGESS-010-M Internal and External Auditing, Practical Skills and International Standards Prérequis75000075Q11010
Mod opt spec Finance Seminars10
UW-M2-IGGESS-011-M Finance Semainars07500075Q11010
Mod opt spec Inernational Finance10
UW-M2-IGGESS-012-M International Finance304500075Q11010
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 17/09/2021
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111