Study programme 2020-2021Français
Preparatory Training for Working in Schools
Learning Activity
CodeLecturer(s)Associate Lecturer(s)Subsitute Lecturer(s) et other(s)Establishment
  • DUROISIN Natacha
      • UMONS
      of instruction
      of assessment
      HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) Term

      Organisational online arrangements for the end of Q3 2020-2021 assessments (Covid-19)
      • Production of individual or group work, essay, report, dissertation...

      Organisational arrangements for the end of Q2 2020-2021 assessments (Covid-19) online or face-to-face (according to assessment schedule)

      • Production of individual or group work, essay, report, dissertation...

      Organisational arrangements for the end of Q1 2020-2021 assessments (Covid-19) online or face-to-face (according to assessment schedule)

      • Production of individual or group work, essay, report, dissertation...

      Description of the modifications to the Q1 2020-2021 online assessment procedures (Covid-19) online or face-to-face (according to assessment schedule)

      An essai written by group of 3 or 4 students from different faculties (submitted by Moodle and by post). The students will have to write, in groups of three or four, an essay on a subject related to the practical organisation of secondary schools (for example, the school project, interior school regulations, school rules, the functioning of the PMS centre, of parents' association...).

      This work is composed of several stages

      1) To research: what's the subject? What's its role?
      2) To consider the subject to be analysed in each school (3 or 4 according to the number of members in each group).
      3) To analyse each subject.
      4) To compare the subjects in relation with their school.
      5) To choose a specific slant for the analysis and to take into account the actors' point of view.

      All the students  will have to interview (record face-to-face or remotely, depending on the health situation and the sanitary measures taken) actors (teacher, parent, student, director, psychologist from the PMS centre) in relation to the analysis slant (for example: what's the relationship between the PMS centre and the parents' association? / what's the link between the teachers and the school project? /...). One of the objective is to show the specificities of the establishments attended. The recorded interview will be transcribed by the student who will analyse the point of view of both actors.

      Together, the students of one group will write down a report of 15 to 20 pages (+ transcriptions; + annexes) to be submitted before the first day of the session.

      The detailed description of the products has been available on the Moodle online course. Given the health situation, the interviews could be held at a distance.

      The report must be submitted to Moodle before the first day of the session. This test is only organized once (group work to be carried out with actors from schools).

      Content of Learning Activity

      Organisational bodies at school: class council; participation board; rules of procedure at school ; school project, "CPMS"...

      Required Learning Resources/Tools

      Vitali, C. (2015). Nouveaux enjeux pour La vie scolaire. Hachette Éducation.
      Beckers, J. (2008). Enseignants en Communauté française de Belgique. Mieux comprendre le système, ses institutions et ses politiques éducatives pour mieux situer son action. Bruxelles: De Boeck, Coll. Pédagogies en développement.

      Recommended Learning Resources/Tools

      Not applicable

      Other Recommended Reading

      Labrégère, R. (2010). Territoires éducatifs. Quand la vie scolaire prend l'initiative. L'Harmattan.
      Gasparini, R. (2013). Un contexte tendu autour des questions de discipline. Dans : , R. Gasparini, La discipline au collège: Une analyse sociologique de la note de vie scolaire(pp. 15-26). Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
      Gasparini, R. (2013). La discipline au collège: Une analyse sociologique de la note de vie scolaire. Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France. doi:10.3917/puf.gaspa.2013.01.
      Perrenoud, P. (2000). Métier d'élève et sens du travail scolaire. Issy-les-Moulineaux : ESF.
      Perrenoud, P. (2011). Quand l'école prétend préparer à la vie... Développer des compétences ou enseigner d'autres savoirs ?
      Issy-les-Moulineaux : ESF, 221 p.
      de Saint Martin, C. (2012). Nommer les violences scolaires. Des incivilités au harcèlement scolaire. La lettre de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 87(1), 119-126. doi:10.3917/lett.087.0119.
      Guillotte, A. (1999). Violence et Éducation: Incidents, incivilités et autorité dans le contexte scolaire. Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France. doi:10.3917/puf.guill.1999.01.

      Mode of delivery

      • Mixed

      Type of Teaching Activity/Activities

      • Stages et activités d'intégration professionnelle


      The assessment methods of the Learning Activity (AA) are specified in the course description of the corresponding Educational Component (UE)

      (*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
      Date de génération : 09/07/2021
      20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
      Tél: +32 (0)65 373111