Study programme 2024-2025Français
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimisation
Programme component of Master's in Computer Science (MONS) (day schedule) à la Faculty of Science

CodeTypeHead of UE Department’s
contact details
US-MC-SCINFO-044-MCompulsory UETUYTTENS DanielF151 - Mathématique et Recherche opérationnelle
  • TUYTTENS Daniel

of instruction
of assessment
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) CreditsWeighting Term
  • Français
Français421800055.001st term

AA CodeTeaching Activity (AA) HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) Term Weighting
I-MARO-011Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization4218000Q1100.00%

Programme component

Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes

  • Manage large-scale software development projects.
    • Apply, mobilise, articulate and promote the knowledge and skills acquired in order to help lead and complete a project.
  • Manage research, development and innovation.
    • Understand unprecedented problems in computer science and its applications.
    • Methodically research valid scientific information, lead a critical analysis, propose and argue potentially innovative solutions to targeted problems.
  • Master communication techniques.
    • Communicate, both orally and in writing, their findings, original proposals, knowledge and underlying principles, in a clear, structured and justified manner.
  • Develop and integrate a high degree of autonomy.
    • Aquire new knowledge independently.

Learning Outcomes of UE

Understand the fundamental notions and problems appearing in graph theory;study the corresponding algorithms;go deeply into algorithmic notions from the algorithm efficiency point of view;understand the fundamental problems and techniques of combinatorial optimization;illustrate some methods on some particular problems;show the utility of algorithms for solving practical problems in scheduling management, logistics,...

UE Content: description and pedagogical relevance

Basic notions of graph theory and data structure; study of classical graph theory problems : trees, shortest paths, connexity, flows; Comparison of graphs using global connexity indicators, global connectivity indicators and local position indicators, Introduction to complexity theory : P and NP classes; study of classical combinatorial optimization problems : knapsack, set covering, travelling salesman; introduction to metaheuristics.
A project/challenge is orgnized and it is part of the content of the AA.

The teaching methods are likely to be adjusted according to the educational context
imposed by the health measures.

Prior Experience

Linear programming; duality; notion of algorithm.

Type of Teaching Activity/Activities

AAType of Teaching Activity/Activities
  • Cours magistraux
  • Travaux pratiques

Mode of delivery

AAMode of delivery
  • Face-to-face

Required Learning Resources/Tools

AARequired Learning Resources/Tools
I-MARO-011Not applicable

Recommended Reading

AARecommended Reading
I-MARO-011Copie de présentation - Partie 1 - Théorie des graphes - D. Tuyttens
,Copie de présentation - Partie 2 - Optimisation combinatoire - D. Tuyttens

Recommended Learning Resources/Tools

AARecommended Learning Resources/Tools
I-MARO-011Not applicable

Other Recommended Reading

AAOther Recommended Reading
I-MARO-011P. Lacomme, C. Prins & M. Sevaux Algorithmes de graphes, Editions Eyrolles, 2003. J. Dréo, A. Pétrowski, P. Siarry & E. taillard Métaheuristiques pour l'optimisation difficile, Editions Eyrolles, 2003.

Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next

AAGrade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next

Term 1 Assessment - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q1 assessment
  • Written examination - Face-to-face
  • Production (written work, report, essay, collection, product, etc.) - To be submitted in class
  • Oral presentation - Face-to-face

Term 1 Assessment - comments

AATerm 1 Assessment - comments
I-MARO-011The report and the presentation of the projet/challenge (part of the AA) accounting for  20% of the evaluation.
The absence at the presentation of the project/challenge (and/or not submitting the report) implies an absence on the whole of the UE.
Written examination in person covering both parts of the course: Graph theory  : (theory and exercises)  40% Combinatorial optimization : (theory and exercises)  40%.

The evaluation procedures are likely to be adjusted according to
the educational/assessment context imposed by health measures.

Resit Assessment - Term 1 (B1BA1) - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q1 resit assessment (BAB1)
  • N/A - Néant

Term 3 Assessment - type

AAType(s) and mode(s) of Q3 assessment
  • Written examination - Face-to-face
  • Production (written work, report, essay, collection, product, etc.) - To be submitted in class
  • Oral presentation - Face-to-face

Term 3 Assessment - comments

AATerm 3 Assessment - comments
I-MARO-011The report and the presentation of the projet/challenge (part of the AA) accounting for  20% of the evaluation.
The absence at the presentation of the project/challenge (and/or not submitting the report) implies an absence on the whole of the UE.
Written examination in person covering both parts of the course: Graph theory  : (theory and exercises)  40% Combinatorial optimization : (theory and exercises)  40%.

The evaluation procedures are likely to be adjusted according to
the educational/assessment context imposed by health measures.
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Date de dernière mise à jour de la fiche ECTS par l'enseignant : 15/05/2024
Date de dernière génération automatique de la page : 14/03/2025
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111