Study programme 2017-2018Français
Faculty of Psychology and Education
Certificat d’Université en psychothérapie émotivo-cognitivo-comportementale (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Compulsory Courses28
UP-U1-PSYTCC-001-M Therapeutic Relationships and Processes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-002-M Identifying Problems and Information Gathering260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-003-M Holistic Theory - Choice of Issues to be Addressed41200016Y22
UP-U1-PSYTCC-004-M Paradigm Theory41200016Y22
UP-U1-PSYTCC-005-M Functional Analysis41200016Y22
UP-U1-PSYTCC-006-M Fundamentals of Motivational Interviewing260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-007-M Relaxation Techniques260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-008-M Basic Techniques used with Children and Adolescents (part 1)260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-009-M Communication and Self-affirmation260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-010-M Basic Techniques used with the Elderly260008Y11
UP-U1-PSYTCC-011-M Experiential Learning03040800438Y1515
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements obligatoires28
UP-U2-PSYTCC-101-M Restructuration cognitive (Modèle de Beck)260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-102-M Stratégies et techniques d'exposition in vivo260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-103-M Imagerie émotionnelle en TCC260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-104-M Basic Techniques used with Children and Adolescents (part 2)260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-105-M Approches corporelles et cognitives chez l'enfant260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-106-M ACT260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-107-M Pleine conscience (Mindfulness)260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-108-M Modification du comportement : principes et procédures260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-109-M Estime de soi: construction et développement dans l'enfance et l'adolescence260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-110-M L'image du corps et ses perturbations260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-111-M Thérapie des schémas260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-112-M Troubles de l'attachement260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-113-M Psychoses et approche familiale260008Y11
UP-U2-PSYTCC-114-M Expérientiel82242000450Y1515
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 16/05/2018
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111