Study programme 2018-2019Français
Warocqué School of Business and Economics
Bachelor 's Degree in Business Engineering (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Core curriculum
Courses required
UW-B1-SGEGIG-004-M Accounting 145450010100Q1,Q21010
UW-B1-SGEGIG-013-M Political Economics 13622003290Q155
UW-B1-SGEGIG-014-M Political Economics 254230028105Q277
UW-B1-SGEGIG-023-M Mathematics 160450060165Q1,Q288
UW-B1-SGEGIG-010-M Statistics 13030001878Q1,Q244
UW-B1-SGEGIG-016-M Human Sciences 175000075Q288
UW-B1-SGEGIG-007-M Computer Science151500030Q144
UW-B1-SGEGIG-008-M Law 145000045Q144
UW-B1-SGEGIG-001-M English for Economics and Business 145000045Q1,Q255
Language choice5
UW-B1-SGEGIG-011-M Español para ciencias económicas y empresariales 145000045Q255
UW-B1-SGEGIG-012-M Nederlands voor economie en bedrijfswetenschappen 145000045Q1,Q255
Support for success 0
UW-B1-SGEGIG-017-M Integrated Remediation in Accounting 100001616Q1,Q2
UW-B1-SGEGIG-018-M Integrated Remediation in Political Economics 100004141Q1
UW-B1-SGEGIG-022-M Integrated Remediation in Political Economics 200003131Q2
UW-B1-SGEGIG-019-M Integrated Remediation in Foundations of Mathematics for Economics and Management00006666Q1,Q2
UW-B1-SGEGIG-020-M Integrated Remediation in Statistics 100001818Q2
UW-B1-SGEGIG-021-M Methodological Support00001919Y
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Core curriculum
Courses required
UW-B2-SGEGIG-001-M Microeconomics 1 Prérequis301500045Q244
UW-B2-SGEGIG-002-M Macroeconomics 1 Prérequis351000045Q244
UW-B2-SGEGIG-003-M Accounting 2 Prérequis301500045Q244
UW-B2-SGEGIG-004-M Marketing 1201000030Q244
UW-B2-SGEGIG-005-M Management 1301500045Q144
UW-B2-SGEGIG-006-M Finance 1 Prérequis601500075Q166
UW-B2-SGEGIG-014-M Mathematics 2 Prérequis303000060Q155
UW-B2-SGEGIG-015-M Statistics 2 Prérequis303000060Q255
UW-B2-SGEGIG-008-M Digital Transformation Prérequis151500030Q144
UW-B2-SGEGIG-010-M Law 2 Prérequis45000045Q244
UW-B2-SGEGIG-011-M English for Economics and Business 2 Prérequis45000045Q1,Q255
Language choice5
UW-B2-SGEGIG-012-M Español para ciencias económicas y empresariales 2 Prérequis45000045Q1,Q255
UW-B2-SGEGIG-013-M Nederlands voor economie en bedrijfswetenschappen 2 Prérequis45000045Q1,Q255
Enseignements obligatoires spécifiques au Bachelier ingénieur de gestion
UW-B2-IGGEST-009-M Scientific Skills in Management Engineering 160000060Q266
Bloc 3Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UW-B3-SGEGIG-002-M Finance 2 Prérequis562400080Q166
UW-B3-SGEGIG-003-M Management 2 Prérequis281200040Q144
UW-B3-SGEGIG-005-M Microeconomics 2 Prérequis201000030Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-006-M Econometrics Prérequis281200040Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-008-M Project Prérequis000000Y44
UW-B3-SGEGIG-009-M English for Economics and Business 3 Prérequis450150060Q1,Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-001-M Public Finance and Taxation Prérequis482200070Q166
UW-B3-SGEGIG-014-M Public Finance482200070Q166
UW-B3-SGEGIG-004-M Marketing 2 Prérequis201000030Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-013-M Marketing 2 Prérequis201000030Q244
Language choice4
UW-B3-SGEGIG-010-M Español para ciencias económicas y empresariales 3 Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-011-M Nederlands voor economie en bedrijfswetenschappen 3 Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
UW-B3-SGEGIG-012-M Preparation Course for the TOEIC Test - Part 1 Prérequis25000025Q122
UW-B3-SGEGIG-020-M Preparation Course for the TOEIC Test - Part 2 Prérequis50000050Q233
Enseignements obligatoires spécifiques au Bachelier ingénieur de gestion
UW-B3-IGGEST-019-M Scientific Skills in Management Engineering 2652000085Q277
UW-B3-IGGEST-020-M Quality, Safety and Environment Systems Prérequis20000020Q222
UW-B3-IGGEST-017-M Scientific Skills in Management Engineering 3 Prérequis601500075Q1,Q266
UW-B3-IGGEST-018-M Fundamentals of Human Resource Manangement20000020Q122
Options - 3 crédits au choix3
UW-B3-IGGEST-014-M Psychoeducational Approach to Teams Prérequis151500030Q1,Q233
UW-B3-IGGEST-016-M Theory of Organisations Prérequis281200040Q233
UW-B3-IGGEST-021-M Responsability151500030Q233
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 25/06/2018
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111